Statistics from Cheshire show concerning increase in violent crime

26 January 2016

Figures from the Office for National Statistics have revealed significant increases in reports of violence against the person, sexual offences and possession of weapons in Cheshire.

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) shows that, in 2015, reports of violence against the person in Cheshire increased by 19%, whilst reports of sexual offences increased by 29% and reports of possession of weapons increased by 18% compared with figures from 2014.

Although Cheshire Police has stated that the increase in reports is a result of victims being more confident in reporting crimes, these concerning statistics prove that people feel unsafe in a society damaged by austerity and fragmentation.

Warrington and Halton Green Party believes that, as crime is caused partly by social factors, it cannot be solved solely in terms of criminal justice and policing policy. Therefore a Green approach to crime reduction would largely focus on lessening the social pressures which lead people to commit crime.

Source: Office for National Statistics, 2016.

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