The problem with Fracking

26 September 2011

no more frackingHydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking', involves pumping water and chemicals deep into the ground to fracture a layer of shale and force out natural gas which would otherwise remain trapped within the rock. The process was initially developed in the USA, where its environmental and health impacts have generated a great deal of public concern and anger.  The impacts including chemical contamination of groundwater (a source of drinking water), and air pollution leading to respiratory problems in communities living close to the drilling sites.

Cuadrilla Resources has already begun exploratory drilling and fracking of the Bowland Shale which lies beneath large parts of Lancashire, and the UK Government looks set to issue licenses for more shale gas extraction across the UK. The French Government is concerned enough to have imposed a ban, and many people are now calling for the UK Government to do the same.

In her post in the Guardian of Sept. 22 Caroline Lucas outlines the reasons why fracking is not the solution to our energy problems the government seems to think it is. Read the post here.

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